Once a week, you'll find Jerry E. Beall "55 leaning over the hood of one of his more than fifteen classic cars and trucks. He's not only tinkering and restoring the vehicles. He's poring over every detail, admiring the fine craftsmanship. It's an appreciation evident in every tank trailer manufactured by Beall Corporation, and it helps explain why the company's products are considered the Ferrari of the industry. That, and Beall Corporation's commitment to constant innovation, which has helped it achieve more than 100 years of continuous business operations.
In fact, Beall Corporation-founded in 1905 and headquartered in Portland, Oregon--designed and manufactured the first frameless steel pull trailer, the first successful aluminum truck tank and pull trailer, and the first all-aluminum single-gate bottom-dump trailer.
"Those advancements," explained Beall, "gave us our weight advantage, and in many ways, our design innovations are still being copied today."
In the past ten years, Beall Corporation has additionally implemented sophisticated manufacturing technologies at its factories. The company uses computers for everything from design to cutting, rolling, welding, and more.
"We've computerized much of the manufacturing process, which has helped our great craftspeople to be more efficient and build even better quality products," said Beall.
But it's not just technology that keeps the company innovative. Under Beall's leadership, the company pursued an aggressive expansion strategy. Beall also instilled a philosophy of direct sales, believing it was the only way it could be responsive to customer needs.
Being responsive to customers and meeting customization requests additionally prompted Beall Corporation to adopt a "lean manufacturing" model. This means, it only manufactures parts as they become necessary.
As Beall explained, "With computerized technology, the unit cost to manufacture one widget is the same as 1,000. Lean, or just-in-time, manufacturing has enabled us to reduce inventory overhead and increase our flexibility in meeting customer requests."
As Beall looked back on these accomplishments, he reflected, "The business education I received at the University of Oregon helped prepare me for all facets of business from finance to marketing and manufacturing. It really helped me specialize and see opportunities. I also met a lot of great people that helped me throughout the years."
Today, Beall continues to serve as chairman of Beall Corporation, but he has passed the mantle of leadership to his sons: James '79, who serves as president; Michael '83, vice president and general manager; Mark, vice president of purchasing; and Brent, vice president of sales. Under their direction, Beall Corporation will surely continue to evolve into the next century, making the tank trailers that others will admire.